Friday, January 15, 2010

One Minute To Spare

I have a couple of minutes to post now; my stepdaughter, Allison, who is nine years old, is keeping Drew busy playing tummy-time.

Isn't it funny how after becoming a mom, even the simple tasks become difficult? For instance, I should be nicknamed Bad Breath Beth these days.... I swear, every morning when I go to turn on my Sonicare toothbrush, Drew wakes up. I always end up drooling toothpaste onto the bassinet as I try to pick up Drew in one hand and manage the toothbrush in the other! I usually give up on the toothbrush.

I now choose to do things during times when I think he will sleep. I squeeze in a shower here and an email there, hoping that he will continue his slumber. Usually he wakes up before I am done. I have learned how to vacuum one handed, cook one handed, type one handed, and, yes, even wipe one handed! I know, gross!

Even right now, Drew somehow knows that I'm no longer in the living room and he is giving Allison a hard time! I read somewhere that babies know their mothers' smells from being in their womb. That doesn't make sense though....they can't use their nose in the womb! They would suck up fluid if they sucked in through their nostrils!

Whoa, sorry about that tangent!

Also, whenever my husband and I try to have a life and go out to dinner, Andrew decides he is hungry too....always at the wrong moment. He sleeps through us perusing the menu, ordering, conversing and waiting for the food. Once the food is delivered and I lift up my fork, WHAAAAAAA! It never fails. It's like he has a sixth sense or something.

The strange thing is.... I love it! I don't mind being kept busy by lil' Drew. Even when I get to "escape" and go to a movie or a play with a girlfriend, I always rush back home immediately after. I never thought I could love a little twirp as much as I love this one. I wouldn't give up this mothering thing for the world!

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