Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chronicles of Cloth Diapering

Disposable diapers... I love them! But frankly, I am not relishing the idea of spending $40 a pop every time baby needs diapers, or running out of them at some inconvenient hour. Since I'm planning to stay home with little Drew, I've started to flirt harder with trying cloth diapers (I'd likely do both disposable and cloth).

After doing some hard research, I found that cloth diapering does not have to be all diaper pins and prefolds like in my mom's day. I spent countless hours on looking at reviews from the many WAHM (Work at Home Mothers). There was so much lingo and acronyms to decipher it was ridiculous! Why won't people write about their diapering experience in layman's terms????

That's when I decided to dive into cloth diapering. Maybe my cloth diaper mission would help another poor, stressed out mommy like myself! I don't want to totally reinvent the wheel but I just want to make cloth diapering practical and easy to understand.

After deciding to dive, I realized one big road husband! I did not realize he was so against the unknown. He feels comfortable with disposables since he diapered his daughter in them, and cloth diapering is out of his comfort zone. He thinks it disgusting and difficult!
After much reasoning with, he is grudgingly willing to support me in my mission to try out cloth diapering (I'll definitely report on his views of each diaper). Check out the pic of Phi and Drew thinking hard about cloth diapering!

I want to do cloth diapering and I need to make sure that it is done inexpensively. I searched craigslist, eBay, Diaper Swappers, online outlets and sales for the best prices on highly reviewed diapers. Below are a list of diapers I will be testing over the next couple of months:
  • Thirsties Covers
  • Chinese Unbleached Prefolds
  • Snappis
  • Happy Heiny's One Size Cloth Diaper
  • Happy Heiny's Hemp Fleece Cloth Wipes
  • New Hampshire Milk & Honey Bun Drops
  • gDiapers
  • Thirsties Pocket All-In-One Diapers
  • Thirsties Fab Doublers
  • Snap-EZ Pocket Diapers
  • Snap-EZ Eco Soakers
  • MonkeyBuns Bamboo Fitted Diaper
  • Monkey Doodlez Micro Doodlez All-In-One Diaper
  • Sweet Pea One Size Diaper
  • BumGenius Diaper Doublers
I'll be rating the diapers in a couple of different categories including retail price, efficiency (leaking and whatnot), and Daddy friendly (ease of use). I'm hyped to be doing this experiment and hopefully it will not only be fun for me, but it will help other moms!

Check later postings for my ratings and my video diary of this cloth diapering experience!


  1. hi beth! i just wanted to encourage you in cloth diaperinag. my hubby was against it at first but i have worn him down :) and now he accepts it. he really appreciated it when we bought sposies for vacation when we were not going to have access to a washer, and saw how much diapers cost.

    i use a homemade AI2 (all in two - diaper with a separate soaker) and gdiapers. g's are similar to AI2's which to me is economical and easy. washing is also easy; i do a rinse cycle with just diapers and then a full wash cycle with hannah's other laundry. we also use cloth wipes which were just from an old flannel sheet. once drew gets onto solids you'll also find a sprayer to be your best friend, which is super easy to build yourself in about 30 minutes for about $25.

    feel free to hit me up with any questions or concerns, i certainly don't know it all but i have been doing it for about 5 months now and i have a couple girlfriends who are very knowledgeable on cloth. i've posted about my experiences in cloth on my baby blog ( if you want, they are all in the category "green baby."

    i know this is a long comment, but i also wanted to say about your post about getting a free moment - when hannah was teeny we had her swing in our bathroom and i would put her in it when i showered. the water sound and the swinging would lull her to sleep usually, or at least keep her quiet (and safe!) so i could have a guilt-free shower. (and if you don't already, use the strongest/fastest setting on your swing - no piddly little rocking!) when she stopped sleeping in the swing all the time i strung toys on those plastic links so she could play with them while she swung and i showered. now that she is a little older i put her little tub in our shower and we shower "together," or i use the bathtub (we have a separate tub and shower in our master) as a "playpen" and put her in there (dry) with some toys while i shower.

    good luck with the diapers!
    erin (from group)

  2. oh also, on the g's and AI2's, i do not use the g's flushable/disposable soakers. i did at first, but to me they are too pricey. i made my own washable/reusable soakers which i also use in my AI2's. we do use a sposie at night because we do not do night changes anymore and i am always concerned that she will leak through the cloth, even though the few times she has been in cloth at night (doubled up on soakers) she has not leaked.
