Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mamma Says...

Did your mom ever tell you that you would lose all of the baby weight quickly while eating anything you like if you breastfed? Well, I am here to tell you that it is not true!

During my pregnancy I was one of the lucky ones. I gained a little over 25 lbs. probably due to my aversion to some foods in the first 2/3rds of the pregnancy. Check out my white trash prego pic!

After Andrew came, the weight came off fairly quickly. I was within 7 lbs. of my original weight and just had a little belly pooch. Everyone was so complimentary.

My problems began shortly after when my husband and my mom were back at work and I was left alone to fend for myself. My eating patterns were totally off because of my lack of sleep. The baby seemed to be awake whenever I wanted to eat. Then, my appetite came back! Dun, Dun, Da!

I was hungry all of the time and I made some horrible food choices. It is so much easier to warm up a frozen chimichanga than to make a chicken salad especially with a baby in tow. It takes less time to open up a candy bar than to cut up some fruit for a snack. Not only that, but the junk food tastes better! cream!

Then to top it off, the holidays came and there was nothing but buttery baked goods and prime rib. Need I say more?

Not only has hunger and poor eating habits been an issue, but lack of exercise is also a contributing factor. Currently it is very yucky outside, so I don't get to take Andrew out on walks with the stroller. Even if it was nice, I feel extremely lazy (probably because of my food choices and lack of exercise) and I don't know if I'd want to get up, get Andrew packed away, and go. It is so much work to go anywhere these days! For the last week I've been telling myself that I need to workout to a video, but it has not yet happened.

These extra pounds are not okay; I'm coming up with a plan. Soon all of the junk food in the house will run out (probably because I'll eat it), and I will not buy more. I will let the baby cry and make healthier food. I will exercise at least three times this next week. My health is important to not only me, but to my kidos!

So I, ten lbs. heavier, am here to tell you that your mom lied. You cannot eat whatever you like if you are breastfeeding. I believed my mom, and now look at me! Oh wait, I'm not posting a picture because I don't want want proof!

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